Integrate BotPenguin with NetHunt CRM
This page contains the stepwise tutorial for the integration with BotPenguin
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This page contains the stepwise tutorial for the integration with BotPenguin
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a. Login to your BotPenguin account. Now, select and click the Bot you want to integrate
with NetHunt. Click on the ‘Integrate tab.’
b. The Integrate window will Open up. Select the ‘All Integrations’ Tab.
c. A list of all native integrations for BotPenguin will be available in this window.
d. Now find NetHunt by:-
Either by scrolling down the list or,
by typing ‘NetHunt’ in the Search Box with the placeholder “Search Integration By Name”
e. Now click on the ‘Connect’ button as shown
f. An Interface, as shown below, will open up. Here, you will be asked to enter
Email Address registered with NetHunt
APi key
that you will get by logging into your NetHunt account.
a. To get the API key, login to the NetHunt account. Scroll down and you will find the
‘Settings’ tab on the bottom-left corner. Go to Settings>Other integrations>Generate API
b. Click on ‘Generate APi Key’ and your APi key will be generated. Copy the key.
a. Enter the NetHunt APi key and registered email address, and click the ‘Connect’ Button
to complete integration of BotPenguin with NetHunt.
B. If you have entered all the details correctly, you will see a notification that says,
“Integrated Successfully.”
a. Now, as connection of the BotPenguin and NetHunt CRM is established, you need
to map parameters (fields) of NetHunt CRM to the user response of the BotPenguin question.
You can use the +Add Parameters button to add more fields.
For example, you select a question from All bot questions/components: Please provide your name?
Then, you map it with the parameter -Name
As a result, this mapping will enable integration to send the user's response from
BotPenguin to the NetHunt CRM’s Name field in the leads. Similarly, in order for integration to work properly, you will require to map all other questions/ components of your Bot to NetHunt CRM fields.
Please note that these queries/questions options will be auto fetched from your bot chat flow, So, make sure you configure your chat flow first.
b. Select the ‘Lead ID’
c. If you have entered all the details correctly, you will see a notification that says,
“Mapping successfully.”
d. Also, your NetHunt integration will show the message Installed in the Integration List.
Once you have established a connection between BotPenguin and NetHunt CRM, and the mapping is complete, you are ready to go for your first test lead. You can test your integration setup by creating a dummy lead on the bot. This lead should appear in your BotPenguin dashboard as well as in the NetHunt CRM that you have integrated.
If you are not getting dummy lead from your Bot to NetHunt CRM, it may be due to the multiple reasons:
Wrong Authorization Details added- You will be required to check and see if all the authorization credentials such as API Token, API key, and/or URL has been entered correctly.
Wrong Mapping Set up - Your mapping with BotPenguin Question and CRM parameter is either incorrect or you haven’t added any mandatory parameter.
Free plan- You are not subscribed to the paid plan on BotPenguin as integration works only in paid plan.
If everything is correct and you are still unable to move forward, write to us at We will respond back within 48 business hours.