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Now it's time to leverage the power of data. As you explore the Analytics Panel, you’ll gain valuable insights into your bot's performance. In this, we will be covering:

  • What is the Analytics Panel and Its Uses?

  • How to Understand and Extract Valuable Information from This Data?

  • Understanding These Complex Terminologies

Let’s start with, What is Analytics Panel and how it is used:

What is the Analytics Panel?

The Analytics Panel is a powerful tool within BotPenguin designed to provide comprehensive insights into your chatbot's performance. It displays key data, including the total number of messages, total Whatsapp conversations, and the total number of leads generated from all your bots. By using the Analytics Panel, you can:

  • Monitor the overall activity and engagement levels of your chatbots.

  • Assess the effectiveness of your bots in generating leads.

  • Identify trends and patterns in user interactions.

  • Evaluate the performance of your chatbots on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

  • Make data-driven decisions to optimize and improve your chatbots.

The Analytics Panel is crucial for understanding the performance of your chatbots and for making necessary adjustments to improve their functionality and user experience.

Here is the list of some complex terminologies you will find in this documentation:

Analytics Panel

To manage your chatbot, you need to first visit the BotPenguin Dashboard:


  • Messages: Under this, you will see the total number of messages consumed by your account during this billing cycle. (Messages from WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook bots are excluded)

  • WhatsApp Conversations: Here you will see the total number of WhatsApp conversations consumed by your account during this billing cycle.

  • AI Messages: Total number of AI messages consumed by your account during this billing cycle.

  • Leads: Total leads generated during this billing cycle.

Your Bots

You will be able to view all the chatbots you've created, along with the messages and leads generated by each bot during this billing cycle. Additionally, you will have the option to edit or delete your bot from here.

To access the Analytics panel, click on "Analytics" in the left sidebar.


  • Messages: Total number of messages since the account was created.

  • Leads: Total number of leads generated since the account was created.

Analytics Summary

Here you can view the trends of the total number of messages and total leads generated by your bots.

  • You can choose which bot's trends to view. You can also select all bots to see the trends for the total number of messages and leads generated across all bots.

  • You have the option to choose the duration: daily, weekly, or monthly.

Bot-Wise Analytics

You can view the total number of messages and total leads generated by each bot.

Choose the duration: Current Billing Cycle, Current Month, Since Account Creation.

Now scroll down, to view WhatsApp Analytics

  • Total Conversations: It displays the total number of WhatsApp conversations between the chatbot and end users.

  • Free Conversations: The Total number of conversations initiated by the end-user side.

  • Paid Conversations: Total number of conversations which are initiated by the admin side.

  • Messages Sent: Total number of messages sent by our WhatsApp chatbot but didn’t get delivered to the end user (Single tick on sent Whatsapp message).

  • Messages Delivered: Total number of chatbot messages delivered to the end user (Double tick on Whatsapp).

Conversation Analytics

You can view the trends of:

  • Total Conversations

  • Paid Conversations

  • Free Conversations

You can customize the durations and select which WhatsApp chatbot trends you need to see.

WhatsApp Messages by Status

Here you will find the Messages sent vs Messages Delivered trend. You can select the chatbot and duration.

WhatsApp Messages

Here also you can view the Messages sent vs Messages Delivered trend, but for every month, week and day.

Last updated