
Give the gift of BotPenguin, make your team smarter. Manage them here.

BotPenguin allows you to onboard your team members, enabling better collaboration and management of your chatbots and enhancing the overall experience for your end-users.

In this documentation, we’ll guide you through:

  • How to Add More Team Members

  • What Are Roles and How to Create New Roles

  • How to Assign Leads to Your Team Members

To manage your chatbot, you first need to visit the BotPenguin Dashboard**:**

Click on the “Team” in the left sidebar to manage your team.

Here, you can view detailed information about all your team members and manage their roles and permissions.

  • Status: If the status of a member is "active", the member can access the account. If the member is “inactive”, the member cannot access the account.

  • Action: You can edit the roles and details of your team members. You can also remove team members from this section if needed.

  • Role: You can see the role assigned to each team member from here.

Now, let's explore how to create a new role and edit the permissions and details of your existing roles.

How to create a new Role

Click on the "Roles" panel to view and manage the roles you have created.

Next, click on "Create Role" to start the process of creating a new role.

Add “Name” and “Description” for your role.

Assign Permissions: You can select the sections you want to allow or block users from accessing in this role.

  • Read: It grants users access to only view the selected section.

  • Write: ****It grants users access to make changes in the selected section.

  • Delete: It allows users to delete existing items within the selected section.

Let's illustrate this with an example in the Inbox —> Chats section:

  • Read Access: Users can view all chats across all chatbots but cannot edit or delete them.

  • Write Access: Users can view and edit any chat across all chatbots but cannot delete them.

  • Delete Access: Users can view and delete any chat across all chatbots but cannot edit them.

After giving the necessary permissions, proceed by clicking on "Create Role" located at the bottom.

Your role will be created.

  • Status: If the status of a role is "active", it can be assigned to any team member. If the role is “inactive”, it cannot be assigned to anyone.

  • Action: You can edit or delete any of the existing roles from here.

Now, let’s begin with how to add a new team member.

How to Add Team Member

Navigate to the “Team” panel and click on “Add Team Member”.

Fill in the details of your team member.

  • Select Role: Select the role you want to assign to your new team member.

You can’t change the assigned role later.

  • Select Lead Visibility: You have two options here:-

  1. All: This team member will have access to all the leads.

    2. **Assigned:** This team member will only access the leads you assign to them.

Click on "Add Team Member" to finalize the addition of your new team member.

Now, let's assign leads to a team member.

How to Assign Leads to Your Team Members

Click on the “Inbox” in the left sidebar.

Here, you will see all your conversations and leads.

  • Select the lead you want to assign to your team member.

  • Click on “Assign” and select the team member.

You have assigned a lead to your team member.

Last updated