April '24 Releases
This Page contains the information of the releases of BotPenguin
Release 3.5.8
Release Summary Date: 27 Apr 2024
Tested on: 26 April 2024 Operating System(Stable Version): macOS - Ventura 13.2.1 (22D68) Browser: Chrome - Version 123.0.6312.59 (Official Build) (arm64)
✅ Create a Telegram Bot Manually
Customers can now manually create a Telegram bot using the bot token. Additionally, customers can add an existing Telegram Bot with BotPenguin.
✅Facebook Token Expiry Reminder Email
An email will now be triggered to customers before the token expiration date of the Facebook bot, reminding them to take action.
✅ Platform Enhancements and Customer Success Issues
Customers can update their profile pictures. A new "upload profile pic" field is added to the My Account section of the Customer account.
Fixed an issue where the same message was sent to the user from the inbox upon clicking the enter or send button.
Fixed an issue where the brand logo was not showing in the Agent navigation bar.
Fixed an issue where Agency Message and Conversation consumption was not updated upon adding a new customer.
Fixed an issue with the party popper on the Add-on screen of the new subscription.
Fixed an issue with error messages showing on Canvas.
Necessary fixes were implemented to address the issue with the country code functionality. Users can now expect the website bot's webhoper feature to accurately handle country codes.
Fixed an issue with the API component attribute in the website bot.
Added an Inbox tooltip for failed messages.
Added a Live chat request accept feature in the notifications listing.
Implemented a feature to turn off chat notifications (Desktop Notification), where desktop notifications will only come to the agent to whom the lead is assigned.
AI flow not working for websites with unusual AI responses issue fixed..
User profile flickering on the Customer details section issue fixed..
Fixed an issue with Whitelabel bot handling for yearly plan messages and conversations.
Updated KPI email to include the last 7 & 30 days' message count.
Moved CRONS to AWS Schedulers & Lambda for improved performance.
Fixed an issue where the password field was not hiding on closing the popup.
Real-Time Service Optimization- Implemented real-time service optimization for downtime mitigation.
Release 3.5.7
Release Summary Date: 27 April 2024
Tested on: 26 April 2024 Operating System(Stable Version) - macOS - Ventura 13.2.1 (22D68) Browser: Chrome - Version 123.0.6312.59 (Official Build) (arm64)
✅ Add-ons and Feedback for Subscription V2
Add-on renewals emails
Invoice section for White-Lable Partner
Renewal Emails
Consumption emails enhancements
View detailed pricing button and link setting
Paid and Free plan counter on Agency Dashboard
✅ Platform Enhancements and Customer Success Issues
Rephrase error message for unusual AI chats is Live.
WhatsApp template feature enhancements now users can save draft templates that are Live.
Material UI changes in the Bot setting and Profile section are Live.
Release 3.5.6
Release Summary Date: 20 April 2024
Tested on: 19 April 2024 Operating System(Stable Version) - macOS - Ventura 13.2.1 (22D68) Browser: Chrome - Version 123.0.6312.59 (Official Build) (arm64)
✅ Platform Enhancements and Customer Success Issues
Subscription V2 issue: Home page messages count not showing - is fixed and Live.
The Status issue with the single choice button is fixed and Live.
The widget is not working on Mobile - is fixed and Live.
The dialog issue while upgrading on the mobile phone - is fixed and Live.
The Whatsapp link giving the 404 issue - is fixed and Live.
Status name issue - fixed and Live.
IP service Redis caching is Live.
All APIs not working with our API section - are fixed and Live.
The issue in Live Chat's next question for the website bot is fixed and Live
Release 3.5.5
Release Summary Date: 13 April 2024
Tested on: 12 April 2024 Operating System(Stable Version) - macOS - Ventura 13.2.1 (22D68) Browser: Chrome - Version 123.0.6312.59 (Official Build) (arm64)
✅ Hungarian and Welsh Language added in BotPenguin
We've expanded language support by adding Hungarian and Welsh to our platform, enabling you to create chatbots in multiple languages.
✅ Heartbeat URLs addition for BotPenguin
With the addition of Heartbeat URLs, we now receive notifications for all BotPenguin services when they go down.
You can track services status from this Link -> https://stats.uptimerobot.com/mxxsvL2MSA
✅ Platform Enhancements and Customer Success Issues
Canvas visualizes flow issue is fixed and Live.
The inbox update status issue is fixed and Live.
Api comp headers not saving is fixed and Live.
The system user token field for the agency Whatsapp configuration is Live.
Custom user listing for agents in the inbox section is Live.
Inbox status fix Migration
Input fields with a checkmark and exclamation mark and tooltip responsiveness fix.
The duplicate Flow name for the create and edit flow is fixed and Live.
Implemented Sidebar tooltip on the collapsed state is Live.
Fixed Sidebar distortion on multiple clicks on the sidebar toggle is fixed and Live.
Added fix for some static integrations in the list not visible for V1.
The Analytics page UI fix is fixed and Live.
The WhatsApp File upload issue is fixed and Live.
Zoho widget enhancement (New contact created for different bots) is Live.
Canvas visualize flow issue patch (Blank screen if the number of nodes is zero) is fixed and Live.
Canvas chip issue for include/exclude email is fixed and Live.
AI FAQ issue is Live
Customer support bots not listed in attributes are fixed and Live.
Website settings for the Landing page save issue are fixed and Live.
Canvas Issue Patch 2 is fixed and Live.
Agent Assigned Lead visibility is Live.
Inbox User Profile Update in Real Time is Live.
Release 3.5.4
Release Summary
Release Summary Date: 5 April 2024
Tested on: 4 April 2024 Operating System(Stable Version) - macOS - Ventura 13.2.1 (22D68) Browser: Chrome - Version 123.0.6312.59 (Official Build) (arm64)
✅ Inbox filter retention
Now, when a customer applies a filter to the inbox, it is saved within their profile. The previously applied filters will be restored in the inbox section upon logging in again.
✅ Subscription V2 is live for WhiteLabled and BotPenguin
Now, the old agency can switch to Subscription v2 by clicking the toggle button provided in the plan section. After creating new plans, new customers of that agency will be placed under the new subscription plans. For Whitelabeled accounts, there is a restriction of selecting only one currency in the configuration section, so they will only be able to create plans using that currency. The features live in this release for the agency include:
Initial plan purchase
Handling of both Stripe and Razorpay as payment methods
Root agency's /Old Whitelable's ability to configure V2 plans
Invoices for plan purchases
Channel restrictions
Plan renewals
Plan downgrades
Consumption emails
Integration restriction for integration count
Access control
Grace periods
Reminder emails
✅ Platform Enhancements and Customer Success Issues
Chat transcript Order Issue is Live
The send message box issue, which leaves extra space on enter is fixed, and Live
Shopify cron optimized in WhatsApp service
Show chatbot script in WooCommerce as well
Attribute update not working on website after API comp is fixed and Live
The hyphen in mobile numbers issue in WhatsApp chatbots is fixed and Live
Last updated
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